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Format Factory .. Part I

Format Factory
Format Factory is the best program in the conversion formulas
(Part I)

 download the program (Format Factory) from
(Here (download
After the installation 
Open the program
k (Format Factory) contains 59 different 
The language can be changed as follows
(Pressure on (Language
"Then click on "Select more languages
(Finally, Select you language and press the (OK
Can change the color of the program to four different colors are
1 - Blue
2 - Gray
3 - Black
4 - Silver
 (you can change the color By clicking on (skin
In the program Format Factory can convert the formulas in
The following areas:
1 - Video
2 - Audio
3 - Images
4 - reader / DVD / CD / ISO

Thus ended the first part
(Recognizing the Format Factory)

Follow us on the second part
(How to convert formats)

You can also read
Correct errors in hard drives

The End


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